Our Philosophy


Peaceful Passing for Pets is patterned after home hospice for people only with its’ focus on pets and pet family members. Our goal is to make available to all pets and pet caregivers the opportunity to receive compassionate, coordinated hospice care in their home. This approach will include meticulous medical care under the supervision of a Veterinarian along with a multidisciplinary team to provide relief of pain, suffering and other symptoms from the time of diagnosis throughout the process of living, dying and death. This approach is known as Comfort Care.

Modern medicine tends to be fragmented. The same can be said for traditional approaches to pet care when a pet is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Our goal at Peaceful Passing for Pets is to provide information and integrate services by bringing multiple resources to pet owners rather than forcing them to search for services on their own.

Peaceful Passing for Pets’ has established the unique role of “Care Coordinator” a professional with training in the human-animal bond, grief and loss and the hospice care model.

The Care Coordinator:

  • Works alongside the Veterinarian serving as an extension of their services and, in conjunction with Veterinarian, finalizes the Plan of Care
  • Coordinates visits of multidisciplinary team members and consultants as requested by pet owner
  • Demonstrates comfort measures and symptom management including pain management, nutritional counseling, maintaining hydration, mobility and hygiene issues

This coordination of care continues throughout the care of the pet and continues with grief support following the passing of the pet.

Care is tailored to the needs of each pet and pet caregiver so they may have the opportunity to spend meaningful time together in a true hospice setting within the home.

We know that end-of-life care for our pets goes to the heart and spirit of the bond we have with them. We want their last days to be dignified, comfortable and enjoyed as much as possible. The range of professional services we offer reflects our vision to provide support for you the pet owner, and the best quality of life for your beloved pet until ‘the last beat of their heart.’


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Our Multidisciplinary Team >

Our Caregiver’s Guide >

Copyright © 2021 Peaceful Passing for Pets®
Home Hospice Care, Symptom Management, and Grief Support

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